Thursday, February 26, 2009

st. scratch junkies

sick. the way they use the entire frame makes it look like they had way more room than 16mm, or what we used, I mean granite they are probably way more professional and experienced but I really liked the opening with the makes center used to make horizontal spaces where they then add texts, it's really stimulated and confusing to me. one day i'll get it maybe. I'm not yet confident with the animation process, by that i mean i don't really understand the relation of what i draw on the frame and then how it become a progress image...and which way I draw it, how it moves etc. I know you'll answer all that for me when I take modes of animation in the future. I think i prefer the freedom of hand painting and not really having much restriction other than the actual frame, but the fact of not knowing what it's going to look like at first makes it a little more carefree to me. 
I really like their manipulation with the print stock. it looked like india ink over all but the face of the one guy, it was very neat. also I was impressed by the way they created texture in one looked like green germs where floating through the film, under a microscope kind of. it was really cool. there was also a sequence of lines that were dark brown and had a cool abstract form and texture that was very visually pleasing, it looked like maybe a bunch on skinny strings that were lightly tied together at the ends to that the space between made them looser and fuller, who knows if that's what they did but that would be an interesting technique the next time i try a rayogram. 
The masking stuff was super too with the criss cross pattern and the small circles with the hand painted in the background. I really like the use of depth on the flat surface of a film strip. It's hard to achieve but I think that they've practiced enough and it shows, i really love their work it is like art and if i had a projector in my house I would just project that onto the walls for my centerpiece. 
it seemed like a slower frame rate too at some points which help to mentally caputre everything, with 24 or 18 fps images just whiz by and you can't fully see or take in everything that's in the picture, i'll be glad when I get the video rec of our elements project and I can twerk it and hold it in some places, it'll be nice. 

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